Kuhli Loach

An icon to represent level of difficulty to care for a fish type.

Care DIfficulty


plant Type

75°F and 86°F (24°C to 30°C)

An icon to represent growth rate.

Growth rate


An icon to represent map.

placement in tank

4 inches (10 cm)


10 years

An icon to represent level of difficulty to care for a fish type.

Care DIfficulty



75°F and 86°F (24°C to 30°C)



An icon to represent size.


4 inches (10 cm)

An icon to represent a fish's lifespan.


10 years

List icon.

Table of contents

What Are Kuhli Loaches?

Kuhli loaches are sought-after tropical aquarium fish recognized for their slender, eel-like bodies and striking black and pinkish-yellow stripes. Learn how to take care of them, their ideal temperature, and suitable tank mates to create a perfect aquatic home for these peaceful, nocturnal creatures.

What Do Kuhli Loaches Eat?

Kuhli Loaches enjoy a varied diet including worms, small crustaceans, insect larvae, and some plant-based foods, ensuring they receive all necessary nutrients.

Do Kuhli Loaches Eat Snails, Shrimp, or Algae?

Kuhli Loaches may occasionally eat small snails and shrimp, but they do not typically consume algae. They're more likely to scavenge for other food types.

How Big Do Kuhli Loaches Get?

Kuhli Loaches typically reach a length of 3 to 4 inches in captivity, with their slender bodies making them a discrete presence in the aquarium.

How Many Kuhli Loaches in a 5, 10, 20 Gallon Tank?

In a 5-gallon tank, it's best to avoid Kuhli Loaches due to space constraints. For a 10-gallon tank, a small group of 3-4 is feasible; in a 20-gallon tank, 6-8 Kuhli Loaches can comfortably live, promoting natural behavior and reducing stress.

How Long Do Kuhli Loaches Live?

With proper care, Kuhli Loaches can live up to 10 years in captivity, making them a long-term commitment for aquarium enthusiasts.

How Many Kuhli Loaches Should be Kept Together?

Kuhli Loaches are social creatures and should be kept in groups of at least 5 to 6 to encourage natural behavior and reduce stress.

How to Breed Kuhli Loaches?

  1. Set Up Breeding Tank: Prepare a separate, quiet tank (20 gallons or more) with soft, acidic water (pH 5.5-6.5) and a temperature of around 79-82°F (26-28°C).
  2. Provide Hiding Spots: Add plenty of hiding spaces with plants, caves, and tubes.
  3. Condition the Pair: Feed the breeding pair high-quality live or frozen foods to condition them for spawning.
  4. Mimic Rainy Season: Perform a large water change (50-70%) with slightly cooler water to simulate the onset of the rainy season, which triggers spawning.
  5. Observe Spawning: Look for spawning behavior, usually at night. Females lay eggs in hidden areas.
  6. Remove Adults: After spawning, remove the adult loaches to prevent them from eating the eggs.
  7. Egg Care: Maintain clean water and keep the tank dark until the eggs hatch in about 24-48 hours.
  8. Feed Fry: Once fry are free-swimming, feed them with infusoria or liquid fry food until they're large enough for brine shrimp or microworms.